Saturday, June 21, 2008

Spirit of Lamoille Union

At Awards Night Laura won the "Spirit of Lamoille Union" award. This award is given to the graduating senior who most exemplifies the spirit of the school. It is a prestigious award, and is the last award to be given at Awards Night.

Two of Pager's grandchildren have won this award: Jenn (1991) and Laura — the oldest and youngest grandchildren. Both Jenn and Laura were salutatorians of their class. And Laura is going to Colorado College just like Jenn! Last year's winner of this award was Eliza Giroux, Laura's hiking partner when they hiked the Long Trail end-to-end in 2006.

Here are Jenn, Laura and Eliza:

The trophy is a rotating trophy, and Laura will have to give it back before next year's graduation, as Jenn and Eliza did when they won it. Each recipient is also given a plaque which they can keep.

Here are the names on the trophy:

Congratulations, Laura!

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